Can time be running out for help?
Call the Mediator today
Mediation is a voluntary and confidential way to resolve disputes by empowering individuals to openly communicate wants, needs, feelings and desires with the assurance of each person being heard.
Mediation appeals to the inclination of all parties to be seen as fair and reasonable; while, enhancing an awareness of the capability to resolve problems.
OUR GOALRelationships are being destroyed. We're changing that. |
First Let'sDiscover
The mediator will help identify the issues in the dispute and assist in deciding how the issue can best be resolved.
Now let's WORKProcess
The mediator doesn't tell you what to do, or make judgements about who's right or wrong; but, facilitates the communication process between the parties.
making the stepChange
The mediator assists with a compromising outcome to the dispute for a win-win situation and provide a different perspective to the conflict.